
IO-Gel (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Solution HPMC)

The offered gel is processed using non-hazardous base materials by experienced professionals. The offered gel is widely used as an essential solution for general eye care.


  • Safe and non-hazardous in nature
  • Provides highly effective results
  • Longer shelf life and packed in hygienic materials
  • Causes no side effects if used with care



HPMC (Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose) solution for cataract surgery. IO-GEL Ophthalmic Viscosurgical Device (IO-GEL) is a clean, isotonic, non-pyrogenic viscoelastic arrangement of exceedingly sanitized, non-incendiary Hydroxypropyl Methylcellulose Solution.(HPMC) Solution with a high sub-atomic weight more noteworthy than 80,000 daltons for intraocular use amid the surgery of the front section of the eye. For a 2% w/v HPMC arrangement every ml. of arrangement gives 20 mg of HPMC broke down in adjusted salt arrangement. The thickness of this arrangement is 4000 to 5500 cps.


  • Hydroxylpropyl Methylcellulose (2%) 1 pc x 3ml PFS/box
  • Hydroxylpropyl Methylcellulose (2%) 1 pc x 2ml VIAL/box